The Jimmy Wheel Advantage

Traditional automatic swing gate openers rely on a mechanism that is fixed to the gate hinge post. This means that they have no leverage or what mechanical engineers refer to as “mechanical advantage”.

They attempt to open a gate by placing a force close to the pivot point. This means that they need to gear down the motor to create sufficient torque (rotational force) to swing the gate.

“…natural leverage…”

The Jimmy Wheel instead utilises the “natural leverage” of the gate by positioning the actuating force (motorised wheel) as far away from the pivot point as practicable.

This means it can travel faster. Moreover, because it is not attached to the hinge post it is less susceptible to gate sag and post movement.

But wait, there’s more…

The arm of the Jimmy Wheel is attached to the gate so that it can rotate up and down, allowing the wheel to follow the terrain and thereby traverse almost any driveway.

Are you ready to reivent your gate?